Abstract : The study was carried out to find out whether there were influence and correlation between : a) Reward received by the IRDABI’s employees on their job satisfaction. b) style of the leadership on the job satisfaction. c) Reward together with style of leadership on the job satisfaction of IRDABI’s employees.
The result of the study showed that there was significant correlation and influence between the reward on the job satisfaction with was shown by the value of partial correlation coefficient of 0.6185 and coefficient of multiple regression for reward variable (β1) of 0.412. The influence of variable for style of leadership on the job satisfaction was also significant with the partial correlation coefficient of 0.5495
and coefficient of multiple regression (β2) of 0.355.
In the test of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the equation of multiple regression show that Fvalue was bigger that F-table (F = 58.97 > F-table = 3.098) or the Probability Value smaller than 0.05. At showed that there was significant correlation and influence between reward variables all together with style of leadership on the job satisfaction of employees. The value of multiple correlation coefficient (R) was 0.751 and R Square (R2) was 0.564. Value of R Square (0.564) meant that 56.5% of variation proportion total of job satisfaction can be eliminated of equation of multiple regression was used as the estimator rather than using average value of job satisfaction as the estimator.

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